• Doodle Mail Cards

    I am against time now for this project, I still have so much to do, and why am I blogging when I still have so much to do?
    For my final university project, I chose to do a self-negotiated brief, through this I want to influence 16-25 year olds to start sending mail again. Research shows that people do not send mail anymore because of convenience and having to find something special to send.
    Here my concept involves a set of cards, which one keeps and gives to two chosen friends, which each can personalise in their own way. One way of getting my product to sell, is to advertise this to students (which is my next job) I have chosen to do this through the UCAS fair. Students often travel miles away to study at the right university, playing on the words that sending mail is seen as going that extra mile for someone; I want to incorporate the words and get students to now “go that extra mile” as a way of staying in touch with friends during university term times.

    The owl acts as the envelope and the owls wing seals the card closed.

    To read more about this project and my research journey see Social Mail posts: #1, # 2, # 3, #4, #5 and my Pitching Document