• New MA Blog

    I have decided to set up a new separate blog related to only my MA Design work.
    Throughout this blog I intend to share my thoughts and inspiration whilst investigating further into branding and identity.

    I found it difficult to relate back to discussing my Masters work through this blog, with at the same time posting about other general design stuff. I like to keep things consistent, especially with the intention to track my own design journey.  I do intend to also keep this blog going as much as I possibly can, however if you find yourself missing me and my many blog updates, you can keep up to date with me over at Wordpress. 

    You can see my new blog here at nicholawatkiss.wordpress.com

    If you do not have a Wordpress blog, you can still follow my updates through a subscription. This means my posts will get emailed to you. However, I am probably not that interesting, but the option is there for you anyway.